8th European Rogaining Championships, July 23-24, 2011, Latvia     
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Latest entered team:
PT Hysteria @ start group XJ24

Teams, 24h competition: 298
Teams, 6h competition: 29
Teams, total: 327

People, 24h competition: 647
People, 6h competition: 63
People, total: 710

Top 3 countries by number of participants:
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01 Jul 2011
Lost before action

Life is life, we know it. Some of us, unfortunately, have to face life more heavily and such a confrontation leads to changing of our plans.

For those teams which entered, but, for some reason, cannot take part in event, we can only promise to overlook possibility to reimburse a part of entry fee after event in the end of July.

16 Jun 2011
Once more about SI cards

SI stations on ERC2011 will be programmed in 192 punch mode and SI6 cards can record visits in this mode - more than usual 64 punches for this kind of SI cards.

That means - SI6 card is "must have" to record all possible punches on ERC2011 event - about 80 controls + service punches (HH in/out, mandatory crossings(1 or 2), finish).

All other kinds of SI cards in 192 punch mode can record only number of punches specified in documentation you can find in our DOCUMENTS section:
SI5 and SI8 - 30 controls;
SI9 - 50 controls.

There will be no intermediate readout and clearing of SI cards during event.

To estimate your number of punches, you may calculate percent of controls you usually visit and apply this to current event plus, at least, 3 punches extra.

Organizers will not accept protests if, using your own SI card, you will exceed capacity of SI card.

Организаторы не будут принимать протесты, если  при использовании собственного чипа СпортИдент участники превысят вместимость чипа.
Только чипы 6-ой версии обеспечивают возможнсть записи всех отметок КП и сервисных отметок.

15 Jun 2011
Transfer options

(we would like to know about your intentions to use transfer buses until June 30)

Kā nokļūt sacensību centrā - sk. GETTING THERE
(Jūsu pieteikumus organizētam transportam uz/no sacensību centru gaidām līdz 30. jūnijam)

Проезд к центру соревнований - см. GETTING THERE
(ждем Ваши заявки на организованный транспорт до/из центра соревнований до 30 июня)

15 Jun 2011
Regular registration is over

Regular registration is over. Some important advices:
1) teams, which didn't make payment or for some reason 
didn't receive invoices - ask for it registration@rogaining.lv
2) if you like to change any information about your entry, send request to registration@rogaining.lv

For "sleeping birds" - we will not accept new entries after July 10!


09 Jun 2011
Last week for regular registration

We are in last week of regular registration.
Please, check your data, make corrections, if necessary.
Наступила последняя неделя обычной регистрации.
Пожалуйста, проверьте ваши данные, откорректируйте.

Don't forget about SI cards, think over once again - does your own SI card fit your plans (number of controls to visit). If you will not announce own SI card on ERC website registration system until June 20, Si card will be "attached" to your name and SI card fee must be paid, regardless of your later changes.
Не забудьте про чипы СпортИдент, еще раз подумайте - совпадают-ли ваши планы по числу посещаемых КП с возможностями чипа? Если вы не укажите в ситеме регистрации использование личного чипа до 20-го июня, вам "прикрепляется" чип организаторов и независимо от дальнейших желаний и изменений, вы будете должны уплатить соответствующую плату использования чипа.

If entry fee has been paid and future data changes make difference to actual amount of entry fee, don't worry - you will receive alert email - what you may expect at registration, where you will make final payments to-date.
Если основная оплата произведена, а изменения ваших данных меняет сумму счета, не беспокойтесь. Вы получите мэйл о том, что вас ожидает при регистрации, где произведем окончательный расчет.

23 May 2011
Few reminders

1. Invitation for those, who are receiving their visas in Moscow, has been accepted and invitation number has been e-mailed to you.
2. Do not forget to get tickets for trains, plains, boats and other means of transportation. For example, train tickets are available 45 days (or so) in advance in internet offices. Although, Latvia isn't goal number one for tourists, Jurmala has one of the best sand beaches in northern Europe, for sure, and there will be song festival in a week. It could be some "bottleneck" with public transportation.
Some countries are hiring buses for several teams to get to ERC. Good choice! It's more fun and we can try to organize your group's stay here at campings nearby.
We would like to offer accommodation options for groups (>20 people) first of all. Please, contact us for options until Bulletin 3 will be published.

3. To be sure - please, send us information about your transfer needs as soon as you will know it. What time and what city terminal (bus, train, airport) are you arriving and departing to/from Riga? Send info to rogain@okzk.lv


17 May 2011
Visit Korvemaa!

Information about Korvemaa rogain is published on OK Orion site.
Take a chance to warm-up before ERC!

17 May 2011
Bulletin N2 in Russian...
...has been published.

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